Uhh small spoilers if you haven't already completed the game.ġ) Radomus - still leading the pack due to being so goddamn intolerable even after 4 yearsĢ) Lin - Mainly for killing best human friend and secondly for being such a bland evil character.Ĥ) Gossip Gardevoir - I don't need to explain this one.ĥ) Laura - Managed to make me hate her in literally one single scene in the Glass Factory. It's probably changed since then.Here's the Modern "Most Hated Reborn Characters" He even likes Cain and wants to rescue so many enslaved Pokemon from 7th Street, this is really sweet xD Your comments insulting the Gardevoir and trashing Bennett's stalker tendencies are funny as hell and have made my day, and I see Reborn!Sean is growing a conscience. And you weren't to know that those chess pieces do additional Rock type damage :( She'd have rather had a life spent with you and seeing so many cool places than stuck with that schoolgirl inside that building all day. if it's any consolation, she wanted to be with an active Trainer even if Pokemon die. I really, really feel for you - 7 deaths in 2 episodes, and poor poor Sickle. feelings are getting scrapped entirely I am not having that in my story i'm sorry) (*bangs even more pots and pans*) this this this stuff like this makes it really hard to write a Reborn-based story because we have to deal with shit like this and it's hard to come up with alternatives or worldbuilding explanations for it (Gardevoir's. Yes she was quite the Krickitune, who would have lived a long life if it wasn't tragically cut short by a flying chess pieceīut yet her memory lives on, as her memory lives on in sean, and the hearts of those who followed his runĬlick to expand. Sickle prospered under Sean, seeing various sights and beings she could only hear about in that dingy apartment in reborn, battling many foes along the wayĪnd battle she did, for she was a shocking powerful member of her species, fighting many powerful mons and coming out on top everytime, to the pride of her trainer Sean Sean was a trainer, and thus he had the means to properly raise Sickle, and so he did,gave her a bow and everything Through means unknown, she ended up in the care of a little girl in reborn city in the reborn region, but because of her school work she couldn't make the time to properly raise Sickle, and thus had to give her away for adoption, and the one who adopted her was a young man named Sean

Three years ago there was a Krickitune named Sickle, who was born into this world the same way most pokemon do, through an egg created through mysterious circumstances